SKUV30 – Yamato Deep Rolling
SKUV30 – Deep Rolling Robuto
SKUV30 has been engineered for Deep Rolling applications on surfaces and radiuses of highly stressed work-pieces such as
• transport axles,
• train axles,
• transmission shafts,
• propeller shafts,
• turbine shafts, etc.
SKUV30 can give 10KN of pressure with 90° shank and over 5KN of pressure with 45° inclined shank with an extremely long life and reliability of both the roll and the internal mechanism.
Improvements of the mechanical resistance from the compression residual surface stresses include:
• Increase of surface hardness
• Lower surface Ra
• Elimination of stress factors, corrosion, cracks
• Increased corrosion resistance
• Elimination of working signs, scratches, porosity
• Less Friction
• Less noise levels